
Martina Tallarita headshot

Martina Tallarita

PhD Fellow

MA, Philosophy, University of Milan
BA, Philosophy, University of Milan
糖心Vlog破解版 Centre 糖心Vlog破解版-CRIS

Martina Chiara Tallarita is a PhD Fellow at 糖心Vlog破解版-CRIS and at the Department of Political Sciences at Ghent University.

Martina Tallarita holds a Bachelor and a Master degree in Philosophy (theses in Political Philosophy) from the University of Milan. During her studies, she mainly focused on questions concerning political theory and international relations, global justice and theory of democracy.

She completed her Master thesis at the ?cole des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. After her graduation (December 2021), she worked as a research assistant at the Paris School of Economics (chair Hospinnomics), where she dealt with ethical issues in Health Economics. She also spent three months as a research trainee at the chair for International Political theory at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.

Under the supervision of Jan Orbie, Martina Chiara Tallarita works on partnerships of equals for sustainable development between OACPS countries (more specifically on selected African countries) and the European Union. Her aim is to combine real-world based Political Theory and EU External Relations in order to comprehend what these partnerships should entail in light of a post-colonial understanding of international relations and what notion of partnership of equals is displayed in international documents that guide current practices.