The potential of anaerobes in biotechnology makes them a captivating yet challenging research subject. Growing and studying these oxygen-sensitive microorganisms requires meticulous handling in an oxygen-free environment. Not-yet-cultivated microbes, sometimes called "microbial dark matter," are numerically abundant in major environments on Earth, many of which are anoxic. Exploring these unknown anaerobes can unveil novel genes and pathways to provide biotechnological solutions for the most pressing global environmental challenges. Handing anaerobes can be difficult, often requiring years of experience and specialized techniques to overcome.
The activities will include a broad spectrum of information to provide students with an understanding of the vastness of the anaerobic world. Lectures by invited specialists will cover various areas, ranging from microbial diversity and their plastic metabolism to specific biotechnological applications. To accommodate the longer incubation times required for anaerobic cultures compared to aerobic ones, Lab Sessions will commence early in the week. An introductory session will cover the basics of the main anaerobic metabolisms, enabling attendees to understand the details behind culture media formulation and the nutritional requirements of different genera and families.
During Lab Sessions, students will practice various methods of creating an anaerobic atmosphere, including the use of sealed vials with oxygen-consuming reagents, jars, and anaerobic chambers. They will also become acquainted with proper and safe syringe use and methods for ensuring oxygen-free cultures for enrichment and isolation. The practice will conclude with DNA extraction from a complex anaerobic sample, equipping participants with tools for microbial identification. Finally, brief oral sessions by students will allow them to share their experiences, insights, and perspectives gained throughout the week.
This dedicated course that fosters interaction between researchers and students can significantly improve the attendant's experimental work with anaerobic cultures. By incorporating guest lectures from specialists in diverse fields like bioremediation (hydrocarbons and heavy metals), corrosion, and methanogenesis, this course offers a comprehensive learning experience to expand general knowledge of anaerobic microorganisms and showcase their diverse applications.
The exchange of scientific knowledge is not just a powerful driver of research and development progress, but also a testament to the value each participant brings to the field. In the relatively scarce field of anaerobiosis, this exchange is particularly crucial, as it can help overcome operational difficulties and contribute to the success of future experiments. By facilitating this interaction, this course aims to strengthen ties and encourage the creation of an anaerobic network.
Application procedure
Applications can be submitted online via this .
For more information, send your questions to
Deadline: October 31st, 2024.