The course will bring together lectures and hands-on sessions to demonstrate how microbial genomic analyses through Next Generation Sequencing can benefit appraisals.
We will discuss how genomics could guide efficient intervention strategies through lecturers’ research field results. The presentations will cover microbial diversity of pathogens and endosymbionts, microbiomes, sequencing strategies, and NGS data analysis workflows. During the practical sessions, the participants will use MinIon for sequencing and will receive training in essential bioinformatics tools for sequencing data management and analysis.
The training will address the needs of young researchers to handle large volumes of data to improve their ability to understand how environmental variables and host/vector coevolution shape microbes. Participating trainees will have the opportunity to receive up-to-date information in microbial genomics and bioinformatics, focusing on the framework of .
Lecturers are world-class experts in NGS data handling, microbial genomics, and theoretical models for epidemiology. The program will include hands-on practical exercises.
Application procedure
Follow this for the course program and application form.
For more information, send your questions to or
Deadline: July 1st, 2024.