

Next Course: “Redox Biology of Prokaryotes”, November 2023

We are glad to announce the course “Redox Biology of Prokaryotes”.

Date Published
11 Aug 2023

This course is coordinated by Dr. Bruno Manta, Institut Pasteur, Uruguay, from 13–15 November 2023.

Ten Speakers from different Universities and Institutions — Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Uruguay and the United States — will join the line-up of this course:

  • Dr. Mehmet Berkem, New England Biolabs, Inc.
  • Dr. Frederic Barras, Department of Microbiology Head of Unit Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell; Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité.
  • Dr. Haike Antelmann, Institut für Biologie-Mikrobiologie, Freie Universit?t Berlin.
  • Dr. Jean Francois Collet, University of Louvain, Head of Bacterial Stress Response Lab, Institut de Duve.
  • Dr. Marcelo Comin,  Head of Redox Biology of Trypanosomes Lab, Institut Pasteur of Montevideo.
  • Dr. Madia Trujillo, Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo.
  • Dr. Ari Zeida, Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo.
  • Dr. Daiana Capdevila, Universidad de San Martin, Argentina; Leloir Institute and Institute of Biochemistry Research of Buenos Aires-IIBBA-CONICET.
  • Dr. Bego?a Heras, Structural Biology and Bacterial Pathogenesis Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry; La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science.
  • D.r Cristina Landeta,  Department of Biology, Indiana University.

Microbes play a fundamental role in the biochemical reactions of mostly every ecosystem and thus offer tremendous potential to uncover biological processes that are recalcitrant to discovery in more complex systems. This is particularly relevant for redox biology as many fundamental processes were discovered in microbes, opening the path to studying them in cell lines and animal models. Prokaryotes are a source of simple models and complex molecular machinery. Many labs worldwide and many thesis currently under development may benefit from using “simple” model organisms such as Escherichia coli for proof-of-concept experiments or applying in vitro approaches to test biological hypotheses untestable in pathogens or non-cultivable organisms. Prokaryotes also offer platforms to explore universal biological processes conserved along the evolutionary scale, usually at lower cost and in more controlled setups.

This course will provide state-of-the-art lectures and conferences covering different experimental approaches routinely used to study redox processes and enzymes, emphasising techniques and setups available for Latin American researchers. The activity format is a mixture of brief introductions to the topic followed by examples of how the technique or approach introduced was used to solve a problem related to redox biology. Time will be allocated for participants’ presentations, and a slot will be planned for one-to-one meetings between lecturers and participants.

The main aims of the course are:

  1. Provide PhD students and postdocs with an update on the genetics, genomics, biochemistry and biophysics tools applied to the study of redox biology of microorganisms
  2. Enable one-to-one scientific discussions between invited lecturers and participants.

The open call is open to anyone interested.

Applicants must apply .

Deadline:  31 August 2023

More information via email at cursos@pasteur.edu.uy

Download the flyer .