

Room for optimism: A precondition for success in challenging times

This rapid-fire roundtable is a platform to energize participants to take the first next steps towards better global governance.

- America/New York

The much anticipated Summit of the Future is on our doorstep. Representatives from Member States, the United Nations System and Civil Society concurrently express hope and concern, encouragement and hesitation, optimism and doubt regarding the Summit and its outcome document, the Pact for the Future. Hundreds of recommendations have been directed toward the Pact and its related processes, representing significant consensus around the need for change. Yet, success will be measured by how this Summit is able to prevent and respond to complex and growing risks. The challenges are well-known, yet it is hope and a commitment to the wellbeing of humanity, ultimately, that will sustain our efforts. We need a shared, optimistic narrative, alongside a sophisticated understanding of the challenges we face, in order to overcome inaction. As was learned at the UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, this is a prerequisite on the path toward a future of peace and prosperity.

This event, to be hosted during the Action Days of the Summit of the Future, will provide an opportunity for Member State representatives, UN officials and Civil Society actors to contribute to a narrative grounded in optimism. Representatives from various areas of the international system will share what it is from the Pact for the Future that brings them hope in the face of the very real challenges before us. They will offer their reflections and reasons for optimism, highlighting one or two actions that they think have particularly strong potential and proposing next steps to take that action forward. Far from an exercise in idealism, the aim of this event will be to highlight and connect common aspirations in order to catalyze future action beyond the Summit itself.

The outcomes from this session will be:

  • Clear proposals and suggestions for how to move the Pact for the Future forward beyond the Summit.
  • Meaningful social media engagement with the possibility of recording speakers for short media clips to be amplified by co-sponsors.
  • A narrative that demonstrates that even in challenging times – in fact, inspired by the challenges we face – there is room for optimism as well as a belief that things can and must change for the better.

Guiding questions:

  • What is it about the Summit of the Future that inspires hope in you – with a specific eye towards the negotiated outcomes?
  • When you are speaking to others about why you do this work, what justification do you give – especially given the challenges we see in the world today?
  • In early October, after High Level Week when the dust has settled a bit, what is ‘step one’ in ensuring that the Summit was a success.