Following the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee's nomination of Kelly Knight Craft as Ambassador to the United Nations, Adam Day on the questions left unasked and unanswered regarding her positions on peace and security, particularly on UN peacekeeping.
Announced in February by the President, this key diplomatic post has already been vacant for six months, following Nikki Haley’s departure. With deep divisions on the Security Council and increasing tensions threatening in the Gulf, the role of US Ambassador to the UN is critical to global security and international cooperation, on issues ranging from North Korean non-proliferation to peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the field of international peace and security, there are no higher stakes than those deliberated upon at the Security Council.
Craft’s position on these is especially important given the many pressures she will face from certain camps in Washington and elsewhere — as Haley’s tenure highlighted, diplomatic juggling across these actors can shape US policy toward the UN significantly.