

Education System for Government Technology Leadership

Strengthen GCIOs' digital capabilities in government through educational enhancement, peer support, and strategic alignment, focusing on best practices and collaborative frameworks.

Date Published
2 Nov 2015
Expected Start Date
02 Nov 2015
Expected End Date
14 Nov 2016
Project Type
Research and Capacity Development
Project Status

The project aimed to enhance institutional capacity for educating and facilitating peer-to-peer support among Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO) professionals. Through targeted activities, it seeks to address the unique challenges faced by GCIOs in effectively managing digital capabilities within government organizations, aligning these capabilities with overarching business objectives, and navigating the evolving landscape of digital technology adoption.


  • Identifying institutional and individual stakeholders/actors;

  • Assessing readiness to determine the state of the GCIO/ICT function in government;

  • Bench-learning to obtain best practices in establishing and sustaining the GCIO/ICT function;

  • Visioning and strategizing to formulate the vision of the GCIO/ICT function and develop strategies for establishing and sustaining it;

  • Designing/defining the architecture of the envisioned GCIO/ICT function;

  • Developing the required legal and regulatory framework;

  • Developing the required institutional framework;

  • Developing the human capacity framework for facilitating the professionalisation of the GCIO/ICT workforce;

  • Developing a local collaboration framework to build a community of support for GCIOs/ICT officers to promote collaboration, experience sharing and engagement;

  • Developing the international collaboration framework through which to learn from others and share own experiences;

  • Research to provide policy support, recommendations and guidelines for the project;

  • Building human and institutional capacity to successfully implement the project.


D1. Strategic guidelines for establishing a network of universities delivering EGOV- and GCIO-related education, including case studies and best practices from other countries.
D2. Description of plans, pedagogy and content of the EGOV and GCIO-related training, specialization, diploma and master degree programmes. 
D3. Updated GCIO curriculum based on the CIO University’s curriculum and state-of-the-art to be adopted in Colombia.
D4. Assessment criteria for academic programmes and Incentives model for educational institutions.
D5. Best practices for the establishment and operation of university networks, with strategic guidelines for developing network-based activities.
D6. Strategic guidelines for EGOV practitioners’ networks.
D7. Methodology for assessing EGOV- and GCIO-related educational programmes.