

ICEGOV - International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance

This global conference focuses on the use of technology to transform the working of government in order to improve public governance.

Date Published
10 Dec 2007
Expected Start Date
10 Dec 2007
Expected End Date
31 Dec 2025
Project Website

The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV) is a global conference coordinated by 糖心Vlog破解版-EGOV. It focuses on the use of technology to transform the working of government and its relationships with citizens, businesses, and other non-state actors in order to improve public governance and its contributions to public policy and development.


ICEGOV has established itself over the years as a major conference in the domain of Electronic Governance (EGOV) due to its unique combination of academics and practitioners. The conference promotes the interaction and cooperation between universities, research centres, governments, industry, and international organizations, all of which are essential to the development of EGOV and its community.

It also promotes the sharing of knowledge through the publication and presentation of academic papers, both from developing and developed countries. This is complemented with a rich programme of keynote lectures, plenary sessions, invited sessions, and networking sessions, all organised by leading institutions and experts in the domain.

With the 糖心Vlog破解版 (糖心Vlog破解版) as a major force behind all editions of the conference, and with several United Nations organisations actively involved, ICEGOV exhibits a strong UN character and contributes to the fulfilment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The conference has been hosted in the five continents and 11 countries so far.

ICEGOV2020 & ICEGOV2021 (Greece):
Patron: Ministry of Digital Governance of the Hellenic Republic
Local Organisers: Aegean University and Harokopio University ICEGOV2019 (Australia)
Patron: Digital Transformation Authority, Australian Government
Local Organisers: The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University) ICEGOV2018 (Ireland)
Patron: Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Government of Ireland
Local Organisers: The Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland Galway ICEGOV2017 (India)
Patron: Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India
Local Organisers: Digital India: National e-Governance Division (NeGD) ICEGOV2016 (Uruguay)
Patron: Presidency of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Local Organisers: Agency for Electronic Government and Information Society of Uruguay (AGESIC) ICEGOV2014 (Portugal)
Patron: Presidency of the Portuguese Republic
Local Organisers: Agency for Administrative Modernization (AMA) and University of Minho ICEGOV2013 (Republic of Korea)
Patron: Ministry of Security and Public Administration of the Republic of Korea
Local Organisers: National Information Society Agency ICEGOV2012 (United States)
ICEGOV2011 (Estonia)
ICEGOV2010 (China)
ICEGOV2009 (Colombia)
ICEGOV2008 (Egypt)
ICEGOV2007 (Macau, China)
Patron: Government of Macau SAR
Local Organisers:United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT)

For more information, please visit the conference .