

Knowledge Hub Digital

Enhance global e-Governance by analyzing legal frameworks across ten jurisdictions, identifying best practices, and delivering targeted training via webinars and in-person sessions.

Date Published
4 Sep 2023
Expected Start Date
04 Sep 2023
Project Type
Research and Capacity Development
Project Status

The digital sector is increasingly fundamental for achieving the EU’s external policy objectivesDigitalisation is crucial for The Project’s objectives are to identify and analyse the legal instruments implementing e-Governance in ten different jurisdictions (European Union, Estonia, Belgium, African Union, Kenya, Botswana, Ecuador, Jamaica, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan) and prepare interactive and in-person training on the requirements and best practices related to e-Governance implementation with a focus on legal instruments.


  • Phase 1: Assessing and analysing the legal instruments regulating e-Governance building blocks in different jurisdictions. This phase should result in an overview report of the legal instruments in the ten indicated countries and regions and a training plan to organise the required training on e-Governance through interactive webinars and in-person sessions in Brussels and at an EU Delegation location. 

  • Phase 2: Executing the agreed training plan developed under Phase 1 through interactive webinars and in-person training in Brussels and at an EU Delegation location.


D1. Analysis of e-Governance development in ten jurisdictions.
D2. Identification of best practices and gaps in legal frameworks for e-Governance.
D3. Training plan for webinars and in-person sessions.
D4. Webinars and Training to enhance legal framework awareness and strengthen institutional capacities.