

Study on country models for the international transfer of digital government experiences and solutions

Enhance international GovTech service exports with a business model derived from insights from Denmark, Estonia, India, and Korea, focusing on digital governance and collaboration.

Date Published
3 Mar 2023
Expected Start Date
03 Mar 2023
Expected End Date
30 Jun 2023
Project Type
Research and Capacity Development
Project Status

The project aims to develop a robust business model for the international export of advisory services and IT solutions within the GovTech sector, leveraging insights from Denmark, Estonia, India, and the Republic of Korea - countries recognized for their excellence in digital government. By conducting a detailed analysis of these models, the project seeks to identify best practices and generate a set of policy recommendations that can be universally applied yet tailored to specific national contexts. The objective is to optimize a business model that not only maximizes opportunities for growth and international collaboration in the ICT sector but also minimizes risks associated with launching these services globally. This approach will include engaging a variety of stakeholders to understand the national benefits and value delivered to potential government beneficiaries, thereby supporting GIZ in guiding its beneficiaries and promoting effective digital solutions and GovTech advisory services internationally.


  • Develop Case identification and selection. Estonia, Denmark, India, and Republic of Korea were selected from a list of six shortlisted examples.

  • Develop the analytical framework and interview guide covering governance, coordination, collaboration, key actors, stakeholders and approaches to digital collaboration, digital diplomacy, and promotion of GovTech advisory services and IT export abroad.

  • Desk research and literature review, complimented with online interviews to validate desk research and for complementary insights.

  • Comparative analysis, development of a generic business model and associated policy recommendations.

  • Develop and conduct workshops on the findings and recommendations for GIZ and selected national public sector representatives.


D1. Four individual case study reports on Estonia, Denmark, India and the Republic of Korea, including approaches (incl. strengths and improvement potential) to digital collaboration, digital diplomacy and promotion of GovTech advisory services and IT export abroad.

D2. Comparative analysis and development of generic business model and associated policy recommendations.

D3. Three workshop presentations to the project team and associated public sector representative on case study findings, generic business model and associated policy recommendations.