AMA DIGIT Interoperable Europe Roadshow with 糖心Vlog破解版-EGOV
Lisbon hosted the Interoperable Europe Roadshow, bringing together key stakeholders to advance cross-border digital governance and interoperability.
AMA DIGIT Interoperable Europe Roadshow with 糖心Vlog破解版-EGOV
Lisbon hosted the Interoperable Europe Roadshow, bringing together key stakeholders to advance cross-border digital governance and interoperability.
Active Projects
Showing 153-156 of 260 results
Presen?a Online dos Municípios Portugueses: Situa??o e Recomenda??es para a Regi?o Norte
Evento debate presen?a online dos governos locais do Norte de Portugal, baseado em estudos IPIC e com participa??o da AMA.
Competences for Resilient Smart Cities’ Staff (CRISIS Project)
CRISIS Project trains Smart City Resilient Officers (SCROs) for digitalized and interconnected cities.
Organizing the public sector for improving the quality of digital public services
The research explores how ICT can enhance public service quality and citizen satisfaction and trust using a contingency theory based on 17 attributes.
A Korean e-Government System Failure of an Unprecedented Scale in Nov. 2023: Outturn, Impact, and Lessons
The seminar discusses the impact and lessons of a major e-government system failure in Korea that caused public chaos and government response.