
Guillemin, Inonge

Inonge Guillemin

Doctoral Researcher

MA, International Business and Marketing, Heriot Watt, Malaysia, 2018
BA (Hons), Tourism Management, University of Namibia, Namibia, 2016
inonge.guillemin@unu.edu +49 351 7999 3805

Inonge is interested in the general domain of ecological services, holistic research that combines conservation principles, social development of rural communities, business opportunities, and innovative approaches that would allow communities to derive benefits from the conservation of nature in protected areas.

She is also keen on the combination of scientific and social science techniques to study the ecology and distribution of fauna and flora, biodiversity, and to assess human impacts on these populations. Her interests are driven by the necessity of preserving healthy natural ecosystems, through the development of conservation and management strategies. She is specifically interested in research on conservation and the processes for developing sustainable tourism and the intersection of biological diversity with human culture and society.

Research Interests

  • Biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services
  • Business development
  • Natural Resources Management
  • Research approaches and methods