
Rayyan Sulieman

Rayyan Sulieman

Doctoral Researcher

MSc, Water Resources Management, Cologne University of Applied Science, ITT, Germany (2018)
BSc, Civil Engineering, Khartoum University, Sudna (2014)
r.sulieman@unu.edu +4935179993810

Rayyan Sulieman is a Doctoral Researcher in the Joint Ph.D. Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste between Technische Universitaet Dresden and 糖心Vlog破解版-FLORES

She is working on the topic “Healthy Urban Human-Nature partnerships for sustainability transformation at the Sahel region” where her research focuses on developing a solution-oriented framework that links urban, human, and nature in urban areas in the Sahel countries of Africa.

Before joining 糖心Vlog破解版-FLORES, Rayyan worked in her post graduate studies in a master graduation project on investigating human intrusions effects on the Water-Energy-Food nexus within the context of the Atbara River basin, a main tributary of the Nile. She also worked as a research coordinator at the Water Research Center of the University of Khartoum for the project “Developing capacities for Water-Energy-Food Nexus transformation in Sudan”. Rayyan has also worked as a technical support for construction projects management as well as a lecturer for water resources engineering at the University of Science and Technology at Khartoum, Sudan.

Research Interests

  • Natural Resources Management
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable development
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Urbanization and Land use changes
  • Water-Food-Energy Nexus


  • BSc, Civil Engineering, Khartoum University, Sudna (2014)
  • MSc, Water Resources Management, Cologne University of Applied Science, ITT, Germany (2018)