
Vaibhav Aggarwal

Vaibhav Aggarwal

Doctoral Researcher

PG Diploma, Environmental Management, CIPSEM, TU Dresden, Germany (2023)
MBA, Strategy, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India (2012)
vaibhav@unu.edu +49 351 8973 2840

Vaibhav is a sustainability practitioner, driven by research, innovation and problem solving approaches. He is an IIT Roorkee alumnus and has more than a decade of corporate experience in Strategy and Policy. 

His interest lies in Sustainable Consumption and Production. He lives by his philosophy “learning through observing” which helps him in identifying and analyzing developmental issues at their core. He truely believes in the Resource Nexus approach and calls it closer to Nature.

In 2023, Vaibhav received the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV fellowship to gain structural understanding of Environmental Management at CIPSEM, Germany. He also received a grant from the German Umweltbudesamt to pilot his project “Bread Through Education (BREATHE)”, developing student driven organic kitchen garden for schools in the Rajasthan region, India.

Currently, he is working on Financial Instruments to Enable Public and Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure for Sustainable Development.

Research Interests

  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Performance
  • Market Integration
  • Resource nexus
  • Sustainable finance


  • PG Diploma, Environmental Management, CIPSEM, TU Dresden, Germany (2023)
  • MBA, Strategy, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India (2012)


  • Member of Executive Committee, Center for Business and Social Research, India
  • Founder, Center for Research and Implementation of Sustainable Practices, India
  • Sr Manager, MMTC Limited (Govt. of India Enterprise), India