
Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to the Resource Nexus

In the context of the Resource Nexus, a barrier is considered as a circumstance that obstructs the progress and implementation of a Nexus approach – a holistic consideration of natural resource management, and the interconnections between natural, institutional and social capital. The multi-faceted nature of the Resource Nexus can result in barriers to its understanding and implementation – therefore, promoting and developing in-depth comprehension of this approach is vital to overcoming this obstacle. 

Barriers for the Resource Nexus

The overarching goal of this theme is to identify and address the challenges in implementing the Resource Nexus under different social, economic, political, technical and environmental contexts, and to strengthen understanding of its complexity – thereby advancing meaningful and comprehensive Resource Nexus-related research. 

In the short term, the identification, comprehension and overcoming of these challenges will have an immediate impact on the understanding of academics regarding the interrelations present in the Resource Nexus, which would lead to new methods of identifying and analysing implementation barriers. In the long term, better defined and developed co-participatory approaches would enable stakeholders to promote targeted, up-to-date solutions to institutional, financial, social and technical challenges, among others. Knowledge transfer and sharing would be increased through platforms where decision makers and scientists can collaborate and work towards a common goal.