

Resource Nexus Approach to Building a House of No Waste (HoW)

In this project an architectural competition will invite a broad range/high level of innovation in design solutions to construct a 'House of No Waste'.

Date Published
6 Nov 2024
Expected Start Date
01 Jan 2024
Expected End Date
31 Dec 2024
Project Type
Research and Capacity Development
Project Status

Our time is characterised by various environmental challenges and increasing urbanisation. Responsible resource management has never been more necessary for sustainable development. The vision for a “House of No Waste” (HoW) outlines an ambitious and innovative project that addresses these pressing issues while housing public facilities in a groundbreaking building built primarily from waste materials. This project is guided by the principles of the European Union’s 9Rs for a circular economy: Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, and Recycle, in line with the United Nations’ ambition for a “pollution-free planet”. It serves not only as a beacon of sustainability but also as a testimony to good governance embedded in a future-oriented culture that is at the heart of the UN 2.0 vision.

The vision for a “House of No Waste” (HoW) is to create a pioneering public sector building that exemplifies environmental stewardship, circular economy principles, and human-centred design. HoW takes a circular economy approach where waste streams in the local (and future) context are carefully identified, selected, transformed, and reused to create a comfortable and environmentally friendly workplace. An international architectural competition shall invite a broad range and high level of innovation in design solutions for the construction of HoW. As a project of public significance and pioneering spirit, a wide degree of design investigation is required. The competition shall be developed with experts from different disciplines – architects, civil engineers, material scientists, waste scientists, sustainability scientists, and social scientists – to best centre the Resource Nexus. Altogether, the architectural competition shall generate public interest and promote a high level of design and scientific excellence.

This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).