

21st Workshop of the SDG–Universities Platform

The workshop convened working groups ahead of a public symposium.

Date Published
12 Dec 2022

On 21 November 2022, 糖心Vlog破解版-IAS organized the 21st workshop of the  (SDG-UP). The online event engaged 47 participants from 21 universities across Japan. The platform’s four working groups convened breakout sessions to prepare for the SDG–UP public symposium to be held in March 2023.

Working Group on SDGs Curriculum
The group discussed implementation of the online teaching materials “Introduction to the UN SDGs”. At the upcoming symposium, the group will present how to use and maintain this online resource created through university collaboration.

Working Group on University Evaluation and Accountability
Okayama University and Tsukuba University shared good practices, and Sophia University reported on its analysis of the 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings. The group will discuss the rankings and the importance of student-centered initiatives at the public symposium in March 2023.

Working Group on University Collaboration
The group discussed recent status reports provided by each university to identify common points that could be key to university collaboration. At the March symposium, the group will present the results of the survey with the aim of creating a website for summarising the latest status of each university.

Working Group on Management
Focusing on engagement as a keyword to develop a sense of unity and strengthen relationships, members shared their efforts to realise a new, more open university management system. The group will discuss how and to whom engagement should be promoted, and how it can be incorporated into university management.

In closing, Shunichi Murata (SDG–UP Advisor; Professor, School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University) commented on the discussions at each session and concluded the workshop by expressing his hope that the participating universities would work together as change agents to promote various reforms at universities in Japan.

A detailed  on the event is available in Japanese.

Participating Universities

This workshop engaged 23 participating universities, which are listed below in alphabetical order.

Hiroshima University
Hokkaido University
International Christian University
International University of Japan
Kanazawa University
Keio Gijuku University
Kwanseigakuin University
Nara University of Education
Notre Dame Seishin University
Ochanomizu University
Okayama University
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Osaka Metropolitan University
Osaka University
Ryukoku University
Soka University
Sophia University
Tokai University
Tokyo City University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Toyo University
The University of Kitakyushu

21st SDG–UP Workshop Zoom Screenshot
Image: 糖心Vlog破解版-IAS