The INFoCAT(Ghana team), field trip took place from 10-14th July 20023, with the aim of gaining firsthand knowledge and understanding of the agricultural practices, challenges and potential opportunities in three regions of Ghana: the Central Region, Eastern Region, and Volta Region. These field visits included visits to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture offices and interactions with local farmers and officials in each region.

The field trip provided valuable insights into the agricultural practices, challenges and opportunities in smallholder farming communities in the Central, Eastern and Volta Regions of Ghana. Through these interactions, common areas of difficulties shared by farmers include but are not limited to: finding buyers for their produce, labour-intensive processes, inadequate infrastructure and financial constraints. Other concerns raised were the lack of interventions to help curb health risks associated with being exposed to excessive smoke during palm oil production, fish processing, use of wood fuel for frying cassava to make gari(ground cassava) and other farming activities. Visits to these regions highlighted the need for supportive interventions, including investments, improved technologies to help with harvesting and processing of crops, access to markets amongst other crucial agricultural needs.
The existing gaps discovered in these small holder farming communities showed the need to address these challenges and enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability in these rural communities. By facilitating the innovation of clean agricultural technologies, majority of these challenges identified in each region, can be solved.

INFoCAT partners and researchers in Senegal ( Enda Energie) and Cote D’Ivoire ( INRA operating unit) also visited respective smallholder farming communities to also get an insight on current agricultural practices and areas of intervention needed when it comes to clean agri technology.
As a follow up from the various country field trips, the INFoCAT project was officially launched in its operating countries: Ghana, Senegal and Cote’ D’Ivoire. It brought together various stakeholders from Ministries such as Food and Agriculture, research institutions, women and youth entrepreneurs in Agriculture and the green innovation sector, Academia, media and small holder women farmers from selected districts within these countries. The workshop met its primary objective, which was to initiate the project in Ghana and improve stakeholders' understanding of the project's purpose and expectations. Having a myriad of project stakeholders come together, presenting results and needs discovered from visited farming communities, the workshop allowed for sharing of various perspectives and areas for further deliberation and consideration by the INFoCAT implementing team.

Innovate for Clean Agricultural Technologies is to advance women and youth economic empowerment through the promotion of low cost clean energy powered tech solutions in Agriculture.