Communicating Water Issues Using Film and Television
The creators and hosts of the TVO series The Water Brothers, Alex and Tyler Mifflin, share stories and learning lessons from their adventures documenting some of the most pressing environmental issues in the world today. With the health of freshwater and ocean ecosystems in such extreme peril, it is critical to use media platforms to educate and inform the public about the scale of water challenges we face and to empower people with knowledge about available solutions. How do we get the public to both understand these complex challenges and be inspired to change behaviours and take action? Regardless of your profession or if you even work in media, it is imperative that as many people as possible learn how to become effective communicators of environmental issues to help inspire their friends, family and the next generation of water warriors!
For more information, view the event.
Water and Canada’s Extractive Industries: Challenges and Opportunities
The extractive industries (mining, oil and gas) are large drivers of the Canadian economy, and many provinces generate a considerable portion of their revenue from these operations. However, extractive industries are not environmentally benign, altering surface and subsurface water quantity and quality. In this talk, Dr. Sean Carey will use examples from his experience working with resource industries to highlight the challenges and opportunities in mitigating and restoring disturbed landscapes. Examples from Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon and Northwest Territories will highlight the water challenges associated with existing mines and resource extraction, and the increasingly serious issue related to the stewardship of hundreds of abandoned mines that exist throughout Canada.
For more information, view the event .
Water-Related Catastrophes and What They Mean for the Insurance Industry
Catastrophes not only disrupt communities and people’s lives, but they also have a major financial toll. In 2017 alone, Canadian insured losses from catastrophic events totaled more than CAN $1.3 billion. It is becoming increasingly common for annual insured losses to exceed $1 billion; already in 2018, insured losses have surpassed this mark, and the year is far from over. Water is becoming a bigger player for the insurance industry as more companies begin to offer overland flooding and sewer backup coverages. In addition to the industry becoming more exposed to water, Canada has seen significant flooding events over the past several years. Laura will speak to how water-related events have impacted the insurance industry over the past decade.
For more information, view the event .
Planning for a Carbon Neutral Community
Burlington city council has established a vision in its strategic plan for the city to become net carbon neutral. Burlington is transitioning from a suburban community to one that is experiencing more urban development. How does a community like Burlington plan for and achieve carbon neutrality? Is it feasible? Lynn will speak about the city’s Community Energy Plan and the future direction. What is changing in Burlington and how these activities may help other communities in the region to achieve the net carbon neutrality.
For more information, view the event .
Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan
Is Hamilton Harbour a healthy place for things to live? Do things actually live there? Are those things contaminated? These three questions are at the heart of collective efforts to meet the measurable goals of the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to improve water quality, restore fish and wildlife populations and habitat, and clean up contaminated sediment. This lecture will highlight BARC’s 2017 Towards Safe Harbour Report Card on RAP progress, with forecasts for where we’re going to be in another few years.
For more information, view the event invitation .
The Cryosphere: Changes and Impacts on the Environment and Human Activities
All elements of the cryosphere are responding to global warming. Glaciers and ice sheets are in general retreat; winters are becoming shorter with consequences for snowpack extent and duration; Arctic sea ice extent and thickness are affected; lake and river ice covers are becoming thinner and with shorter duration; permafrost is thawing. There are considerable consequences for ecosystems and the environment and human activities are being affected.
The presentation will examine, in particular, effects on human activities within mountainous regions, on water supply from mountain water sources and the impacts of sea level rise.
For more information, view the event invitation .