

Hamed Rahmani

Academic Researcher

PhD, Labour Market Economics , Maastricht University
MSc, Operation Research, Allameh Tabataba'i University
BSc , Industrial Engineering, Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology

Hamed Rahmani is a Ph.D. Candidate in Economic Development at Maastricht University, focusing on risk factors for youth not in education, employment, or training (NEET). His research leverages machine learning to analyze and predict NEET phenomena.

Hamed Rahmani is a multifaceted researcher and data analyst with a passion for leveraging advanced analytics to address critical societal issues. As a Ph.D. Candidate at Maastricht University's School of Business and Economics, he is investigating the risk factors associated with youth not in education, employment, or training (NEET) using innovative machine learning techniques. His research aims to provide insights that can inform policies and interventions to support vulnerable youth populations. Beyond his academic pursuits, Hamed has a strong track record in industry. At DHL in Maastricht, he applied his analytical skills to optimize pricing strategies, contributing to improved financial performance. Prior to that, at IranKhodro in Tehran, he utilized SAP systems to streamline inventory management and enhance production line efficiency. Hamed's interdisciplinary background, spanning from Material Science to Business Management, equips him with a unique perspective on problem-solving. His work has been recognized with awards such as the Best Presentation Award at the Labor Market Reforms and Social Policies conference and the Outstanding Master's Thesis Award in Business Management. As a reviewer for several international journals, including the International Journal of Adolescence and Youth and BMC Public Health, Hamed contributes to the broader academic community. His commitment to excellence, combined with his technical skills in data analysis, cloud computing, and business intelligence tools, positions him as a rising leader in the field of economic development and social policy.