

Bunching Estimators in Applied Economics Research

HELSINKI: 糖心Vlog破解版-WIDER will host an in-person workshop on bunching methods with Prof. Mazhar Wassem of Manchester University.

- Europe/Helsinki
糖心Vlog破解版-WIDER, Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, Helsinki, Finland
Event Contact
Rodrigo Oliveira

Prof.  will teach a workshop on bunching methods 30 May from 13:00–15:00 (UTC+3). The workshop will be held in-person at 糖心Vlog破解版-WIDER's Sustainability Library.

The workshop will cover the following topics, drawing largely upon Kleven (2016) and later papers for the conceptual material.

  1. Introduction to bunching estimation: Learn about the fundamentals of bunching approaches, their development, and their growing importance in applied economics research.
  2. Exploiting discontinuities: Delve into the incentives created by kinks and notches in choice sets and how to effectively exploit them to study individual and firm behavior.
  3. Practical applications: Explore the use of bunching estimation in various fields, such as taxation, social security, social insurance, welfare programs, education, regulation, private sector pricing, and reference-dependent preferences.
  4. Strengths and weaknesses: Gain insights into the advantages and drawbacks of bunching estimation techniques and understand when to employ them effectively.
  5. Working with administrative data: Discover how to harness the power of administrative data for empirical analysis, especially bunching estimation.

Registration information will be available soon.


Mazhar Wassem

Associate Professor