Blog Post
Addressing the Relationships between Migration and Inequality is Key to Africa’s Development
Why addressing inequality is central to any discussion on migration in Africa.
Blog Post
A New Blueprint Calls for Reinvigorated Global Governance
Recommendations will strengthen the global architecture for peace, security, and finance, and deliver just transitions for climate and digitalization.
Blog Post
Thematic Review on Climate-Security and Peacebuilding
A new Thematic Review identifies entry points and pathways for building peace and mitigating conflict in climate-affected and fragile environments.
Blog Post
Can ‘Stop the Boats’ solve the UK’s migration problems?
We examine the UK Government’s ‘Stop the Boats’ legislation - and outline a more effective approach that works for both Government and migrants.
Blog Post
Redistributing Paid Work between Genders: The Key to Gender Equality?
Increasing women's representation in technology may require a societal transformation that sees more men taking on roles in paid care sectors.
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Climate-Related Migration Into Cities: Ethiopian Smallholders Heading to Addis Ababa
A more nuanced understanding of climate-related migration is needed which recognizes the importance of land tenure and job opportunities.
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Repatriating Syrians from Lebanon: A Pivotal Role for UNHCR
As the region reels from the earthquake that devastated large parts of Syria, we reflect on ongoing debates surrounding the repatriation of Syrians.
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In Pursuit of Target 8.7: Prioritizing Finance
Ahead of the eighth Ministerial Conference of the Bali Process we need a 'financial approach' to address modern slavery and human trafficking.
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From Despair to Hope? Securing Rights for Haitian Migrants in the New Brazil
As Lula is sworn in as President, we reflect on what his election might mean for Haitians and other migrants living in Brazil.
Blog Post
Addressing the Continuing Threat of Modern Slavery in Africa
What are the measures the financial sector can take to address human trafficking and modern slavery risks in Africa?