Current Projects
Completed Projects
Showing 81-98 of 98 results
The Rise of High-Level Panels: Implications for the New UN Secretary-General
The evolving UN experience with high-level panels, the types of impact they have had, and how they might prove most valuable going forward.
Defining the Resilient City
The application of resilience for urban environments in contexts of?fragility.
How António Guterres Can Advance the UN’s Protection Agenda
Guterres will need to pursue action on three fronts in order to advance the UN’s protection agenda.
Strengthening the Impact of Research on UN Policy
How UN-oriented research entities could more effectively inform major UN policy processes.
Conceptualizing City Fragility and Resilience
A preliminary analytical framework that re-conceptualizes fragility and resilience at the city?level.
Assessing the UN's Efforts To Counter Terrorism
The UN's crucial operational impact may extend beyond its counter-terrorism framework.
Crime-Proofing Conflict Prevention, Management, and Peacebuilding: A Review of Emerging Good Practice
Good practices on incorporating sensitivity to organized crime into conflict prevention and peacemaking activities.
The Role of Civil Society in Combating WMD Proliferation
Input into the resolution 1540 review process.
Time To Follow Through on India and Japan’s Promises
The drivers and the potential of a strong India-Japan partnership in the fields of economics, energy security and climate change, defence and security, and global governance.
Meeting the Challenges of the 2030 Agenda: Alternative Forms of Development Cooperation and the United Nations
How development cooperation is rapidly evolving, emerging trends, and the role of the UN in development coordination.
A Comprehensive Analysis of the UN Security Council in the 21st Century
An authoritative account of the activities and developments surrounding the Council over the past quarter century.
A New Set of Views on Indian Foreign Policy
A comprehensive exploration of India's foreign policy evolution, focusing on historical, geographical, capability, and leadership factors.
Non-Military Protection of Civilians in UN Peace Operations: Experiences and Lessons
A narrow interpretation of PoC,?looking primarily at tools and activities that provide more?immediate protection from specific and imminent threats.
The UN Security Council in an Age of Great Power Rivalry
An assessment of the?Council’s ability to adapt and innovate in the face of new?challenges over the past two decades.
The Fragile City: The Epicentre of Extreme Vulnerability
Reducing vulnerability and enhancing resiliency for urban populations in fragile cities.
It’s Broke, So Fix It: Peacebuilding
Tackling the Peacebuilding Commission’s (PBC’s) lack of a purpose.
Intrastate-based Armed Conflicts: Overview of Global and Regional Trends (1990-2013)
A disaggregation of the data of major recent trends in violent conflict by levels of conflict?intensity, subregions, and countries.
Examining Major Recent Trends in Violent Conflict
Contributions and insight on major recent?trends in violent conflict for the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace?Operations.