Showing 25-36 of 44 results
E-Learning: Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (E-HM3C)
This project involves the development of an interactive e-learning course on Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change.
‘CRoss-sEcToral planning decisIoN-maKing platform to foster climate Action’ — ‘RethinkAction’
This project will build a cross-sectoral platform to deliver clear and valuable information on climate change that supports decision making.
FURIFLOOD: Current and future risks of urban and rural flooding in West Africa – An integrated analysis and eco-system-based solutions
The project will contribute research on flood-related impacts, vulnerability to flooding, and a guidebook to reduce current and future flood risk
PROtecting the WELLbeing of MIGRANTS in India during the COVID-19 pandemic (PROWELLMIGRANTS)
The aim of this research is to qualitatively investigate the impact of COVID-19 upon migrants’ wellbeing and mental health in India.
The Climate Academy - People's Pathways to Climate Action
This project aims to advance scientific understanding of people-centered climate action and inform policy making through a solution oriented approach.
Understanding Systemic and Cascading Risks: Learnings From COVID-19 (CARICO)
This project aims to develop a conceptual model that supports the analysis of systemic and cascading risks.
Transformative Urban Coalitions: Catalysing Urban Partnerships to Drive Systemic Transformation Towards Sustainability (TUC)
This project aims to shift the mindsets of urban citizens and leaders to build new urban coalitions towards socially inclusive zero-carbon cities.
Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme
This project aims to support Pacific Small Island Developing States in their strategies and capacity-building for climate and disaster risk finance.
Agrophotovoltaics for Mali and The Gambia: Sustainable Electricity Production by Integrated Food, Energy and Water Systems (APV-MaGa)
This project aims to establish agrophotovoltaics as a sustainable energy system that provides food, water, and electricity.
Researchers back to the secondary school - Renewable energy powered water-food-economy nexus for the sustainable livelihood at Dosso Region in Niger (RETO-DOSSO)
This project aims to inform sustainable water, energy, and food security interventions, including solar power and other renewable energy systems.
This project aims to map the outcomes of livelihood innovations for climate adaptation and co-create climate-resilient development pathways.
Emergency preparedness planning for water supply and sanitation in health care facilities - organisational and technical solution strategies to increase resilience (NOWATER)
This project aims to deepen understanding of the factors that promote or hinder the continued operation of health and care facilities during crises.