Explore 糖心Vlog破解版-IIGH’s Short Online Courses, MOOCs, and in-person Workshops
糖心Vlog破解版-IIGH offers a series of online courses, and in-person workshops designed to address some of the most pressing issues in global health, with a special focus on gender equity, health policy, and implementation research. These online short courses, massive open online courses (MOOCS), and in-person workshops provide valuable insights and practical resources for health professionals, policymakers, and researchers aiming to enhance their knowledge and make a positive impact in global health. ?
This page highlights the diverse range of courses and workshops available, each addressing unique challenges such as closing gender gaps in immunization, integrating gender in government health programs, conducting implementation research, with an intersectional gender lens, and translating knowledge for evidence-informed policy. Whether you're looking to advance your expertise in global health, implement equitable healthcare interventions, or apply evidence to health policy, these courses and workshops offer accessible learning opportunities for professionals in different regions of the world. ?
All courses and workshops are free of charge and facilitated in English.
Short Online Courses
Gender, Vaccinations, Immunization
Addressing Gender Gaps in Vaccinations and Immunization: A Life-Course Approach?
Gender Integration, Health Programs, Lessons
Enhancing Gender Integration in Scaled and Sustained Government Health Programs: Lessons from Nepal, the Philippines, and India?
Public Health and Policy, Conflicts of Interest
Commercial Interests, Public Health and Policy: Short Course on Conflicts of Interest for Health Professionals and Implementing Partners (Coming Soon)?
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)?
Implementation Research
MOOC on Implementation Research (IR)?
Gender, Implementation Research
Incorporating an Intersectional Gender Perspective in Implementation Research?
Implementation Research, Health Programme
Implementation Research Short-Course for Health Programme Implementers
In-Person Training
In-person workshops, HPSR, Evidence generation, Policy translation