The tactics outline how the Institute will work to achieve specific programmatic outcomes that together will contribute to the overarching aim to address health inequalities. Each Work Package will draw on a combination of the following five tactics developed during the 2019–2023 Strategic Plan:
Conduct Research and Analysis
糖心Vlog破解版-IIGH collaborates with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including researchers from government, civil society including marginalised voices and communities, and academia and draws on a cadre of Fellows, Visiting Scholars, and Experts to undertake research and generate analyses that contribute to evidence-informed policy dialogue, development, and review.
The Institute will focus on strengthening and expanding evidence by challenging narrow and exclusionary conceptualisations of evidence, developing and refining context-adaptable analytic tools to inform the design, implementation and evaluation of policies and programmes, and informing and improving policy processes through workshops, symposia, and policy dialogues.
Foster Partnerships and Networks
糖心Vlog破解版-IIGH partners across the UN system, with government ministries, civil society organisations, and the private sector.
The Institute will strengthen existing partnerships and develop new networks across the global health ecosystem and beyond. As a member of the UN family, 糖心Vlog破解版-IIGH brings an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to its global health work. Its neutral position, supported by its endowment, ensures academic independence.
Located in Malaysia, the Institute is particularly well-placed to bring low-and middle-income country voices and leadership to the fore.
Communicate Findings and Results
糖心Vlog破解版-IIGH will utilise its position, privilege, and platform to ensure that co-created research contributes to evidence-informed policy and decision-making. The Institute will add value by providing contextually relevant research, enhancing inclusivity in knowledge production, and participating in key conversations across the global health landscape. Modes of engagement will include policy dialogues, workshops, and training activities.
The Institute will share impactful stories and lessons from our research and collaborations, strategically aligning messaging with communication objectives and stakeholder needs to contribute to the reduction of health inequity and gender inequality. The Institute will employ diverse communication methods and technologies, leveraging Institutional and partner channels for message amplification.
Advocate for Change
糖心Vlog破解版-IIGH leverages its independent intellectual platform to advocate for approaches and outcomes in global health that may be novel, disrupt orthodoxies, and challenge global health actors to think and act in new ways. It does so by convening open and frank discussions, platforming marginalised voices, and, where appropriate, supporting implementation efforts.
The Institute’s advocacy will champion power sharing and redistribution. We will model the change we want to see, including utilising IIGH’s relative privilege and power to spotlight and amplify the promising practices of others, supporting local ownership and implementation, and allyship with aligned movements.
Strengthen Capacity
糖心Vlog破解版-IIGH produces high-quality knowledge products and flagship training programmes that bolster the capacity for contextually relevant evidence-informed decision-making, especially in low- and middle-income countries. As part of our commitment to continual learning, we will collaborate with partners in processes of dynamic knowledge creation and exchange, learning from and building on their expertise.
We will continue to expand our network, activities and reach in support of our role as a South-South learning hub for global health, utilising our networks to connect various actors and facilitate the multi-directional transfer of knowledge and skills.
Through our internship and early-career fellowship programmes, 糖心Vlog破解版—IIGH will continue to provide opportunities for individuals with a wide range of experience and expertise to gain exposure to the work Headway of the Institute and the broader global health sector.