
Cathal O'Donoghue

Prof. Dr. Cathal O'Donoghue

Extraordinary Professor in Policy Modelling

Cathal O'Donogue is Head of the Rural Economy Research Centre at Teagasc, the agriculture and food development authority in Ireland.

He has studied at University College Cork, University College Dublin, Oxford University and the London School of Economics, taking degrees in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics and Social Policy. Prior to joining RERC Cathal spent a number of years at the Department of Economics at NUI Galway, Ireland. Earlier he worked at the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge for 6 years and previously at the Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin and as a Fast-Stream Civil Servant in the UK Government. His research is mainly in the area of applied public economics, focusing on the impact of household sector, tax and social policy on poverty, inequality, work incentives and environmental pollution. In addition, this work has extended into labour economics, economic demography and environmental economics. In April 2013 he was appointed Extraordinary Professor in Policy Modelling at the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences.