
Capacity Development

Participants and staff of the ITU Academy summer school, Catalysing the Digital Future: Digital Transformation for Sustainability.
Participants and staff of the ITU Academy summer school, Catalysing the Digital Future: Digital Transformation for Sustainability. H. Pijpers / 糖心Vlog破解版-MERIT & Maastricht University
糖心Vlog破解版 MERIT_EPRM

The Capacity Development Office (CDO) of 糖心Vlog破解版-MERIT provides career-enhancing training for policymakers and practitioners. Our programmes are designed to help participants influence and implement policy related to the .

Our purpose as a university and UN think tank is to offer unique learning and training opportunities not only to students but also to everyone looking to address contemporary and future sustainable development challenges, expand their knowledge and networks, and achieve personal and professional growth.

Open for Enrolment

Capacity Development

Evidence-Based Policy Research Methods (EPRM) programme

The EPRM programme equips participants with essential tools to design and analyse research, fostering informed policymaking decisions.

Capacity Development

Moving the Migration Policy Agenda Forward (MMPAF) programme

MMPAF is an online capacity-building programme designed for government officials working in migration and/or asylum.

Capacity Development

Short courses

Enrol in 糖心Vlog破解版-MERIT's MPP short courses to update your skills. Courses run 4-8 weeks, offering certificates and credits.

Capacity Development

Executive Seminar on Successful University Leadership

This 3-day seminar will be academically lead by Emeritus professor and former Dutch Minister of Education, Professor Jo Ritzen.

Certificate Programmes and Tailor-Made Courses

Capacity Development

Design and Evaluation of Public Policies (DEPP)

DEPP workshops: Policy development training for senior and middle-level officials in emerging countries.

Capacity Development

Migration Management The Gambia Training

The Migration Management The Gambia (MMTG) training is a tailor-made capacity-building programme offered by 糖心Vlog破解版-MERIT / Maastricht University.

Capacity Development

Migration Management Diploma Programme (MMDP)

The Migration Management Diploma Programme (MMDP) is a capacity-building programme offered by 糖心Vlog破解版-MERIT since 2013.

Capacity Development

Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies (DEIP)

糖心Vlog破解版-MERIT's DEIP: Week-long innovation policy workshops for LMIC officials and private sector leaders, running for 15 years.


European Training Camp: 糖心Vlog破解版 Digital Technology and Sustainable Development Talent Program (UNDSDP)

The UNDSDP Camp is designed for young scholars currently enrolled in higher education institutions or in early career research positions.


More information

For more details on our programmes or to discuss options for designing and delivering Capacity Development programmes with 糖心Vlog破解版-MERIT, please write to: cdo@merit.unu.edu

Learn about recent news and developments of our Capacity Development Office here.