
Module 1: Evidence-Based Policy Research


The Research Design module is a one-week workshop in Maastricht, where participants will receive lectures on the nature and requirements of academic research, how to phrase an interesting and relevant research question, and how to set up a research design. Participants will work on their own research ideas during individual assignments, interactive sessions in class, and group assignments. This module builds the foundation of a research proposal. You will be required to complete this module before access to any other EPRM module. This module requires full-time attendance as participants will have 6-8 class hours a day and homework assignments in the evenings as well.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain knowledge of research methodologies
  • Learn how to define a research topic, research question, theory, and model
  • Tuition: EUR 1000
  • Format & Workload: On-Site, 40 hours a week
  • ECTS equivalence: 1.5 ECTS equivalence

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