
Module 2: Using Academic Literature


During the proposal development stage, participants will primarily spend their time on their own individual research idea. This module provides participants with online tools, guidance and support to develop the skills to compose a thorough literature review. Participants are encouraged to actively look for and read academic literature with a critical mind. The focus will be on understanding the current state of the art in the academic literature, as well as understanding theoretical links provided in the literature. In addition, participants are supported in carrying out an effective literature management practice, using Zotero. Online instruction videos will be supplemented with discussion boards to cover general issues participants deal with and a feedback session on individual proposals.

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply the main building blocks for a strong research proposal;
  • Understand the requirements and steps of an academic literature search;
  • Be aware of the various types of literature review structures and their strengths and weaknesses;
  • Ability to use data management strategies, making use of the software Zotero
  • Tuition: EUR 500
  • Format & Workload: Online, 10-15 hours a week
  • ECTS equivalence: 1.5 ECTS equivalence

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