
Module 4: Evidence-based Analysis

During the research analysis course, instructions are offered how to analyses data in an academic fashion. Participants are requested to choose between (1) Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Analysis (2) Introduction to Econometrics (3) Impact Evaluation (4) Qualitative Research Methods. Online courses are guided by a tutor. Courses are based on instruction videos, quizzes, and assignments. Assignments and tests are offered to check understanding of the material, and apply learned concepts in practice, and additional tests can be taken for grades and credits. In order to increase learning, the assignments are tied (if possible) to the specialisation course you selected or the proposal you develop. After completion of this course, participants understand the basis of qualitative data analysis or quantitative data analysis, and are able to summarise preferred way of analysis, based on data available and individual needs, in a proposal.

Learning Objective:

  • Gain knowledge of applied research skills, necessary for carrying out the proposed research.
  • Introduction to statistics and statistical analysis
  • Introduction to econometric methods linear regression with one or more variables and non-linear regression functions
  • Qualitative data collection, text analysis and coding skills
  • Specific formats of policy impact evaluations of a policy, programme or intervention
  • Practical use of data analysis in the frame of the specialization course selected

*Supplementary enrollment information*

During module 4 enrolment, participants can choose only one of the 4 online specialization courses offered. Participants will be offered the option to audit the other Module 4 courses – that they are not enrolled in in the first instance – within 3 years after initial enrollment during the following EPRM rounds without extra payment. This participation is voluntary, and assignments are not graded. Fellows will need to register for those courses with the coordinator. This course enrollment will not be registered on the EPRM certificate. In case participants would like to participate in the other module 4 courses and wish to be graded and with registration on the EPRM certificate, the tuition for the extra module 4 participation will be requested, and participants can enroll in the next EPRM rounds up to 3 years after initial enrollment.
Module 4 is an online module. However, in the last week of M4, we also welcome participants to the institute in case they wish to be supported with the completion of Modules 2,3 and 4 in person. If you are interested in this option, please let us know when you register.

  • Tuition: EUR 1000
  • Format & Workload: Online, 10-15 hours a week
  • ECTS equivalence: 3 ECTS equivalence

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