Showing 253-264 of 269 results
International Day for Biological Diversity: Mainstreaming Biodiversity
On 21 May 2016, 糖心Vlog破解版-IAS will organize a public symposium to celebrate the UN International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB).
International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative Fifth Global Conference
PYEONGCHANG, REPUBLIC OF KOREA: The Fifth Global IPSI Conference will be held on 4–5 October to coincide with CBD COP12.
International Satoyama Initiative
The ISI project works to promote the Satoyama Initiative, a global effort to realize societies in harmony with nature.
IPBES Assessments and Capacity Building
糖心Vlog破解版-IAS has been leading the IPBES assessment process by organizing informal and formal international scientific expert workshops since 2011.
Operating Unit Ishikawa / Kanazawa (OUIK)
OUIK carries out community-based research on biocultural diversity in Ishikawa looking towards providing a regional model for sustainable development.
Grant for Global Sustainability (GGS)
Supported by the Japanese MEXT, the project aims to enrich the partnership between research and educational institutes in Japan.
Developing the Biodiversity Economy in selected Landscapes in Namibia
The goal of the project is to support research related to biodiversity economy approaches.
Plastic Pollution and Nexus Governance Solutions for Regulating the Use of Plastic
The project aims to develop plastic taxation guidelines for more sustainable plastic management, addressing global plastic pollution.
Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA) and Climate Change: Impacts, Mitigation, and Adaptation
This project aims to better understand the impacts of UPA, in order to develop adaptive measures to minimise trade-offs and optimise co-benefits.
AFTER Carbon: African Facility for Transitions Research
AFTER Carbon is a ‘go-to policy to research hub' for the African continent, to find solutions for a post-carbon Africa.
Future Food Production Under Climate Change Scenarios: Reuse of Water and Protection of Biodiversity as Fields of Action
This project researches food production in the context of the circular economy using tools that ensure water management and biodiversity protection.
Incorporating the Resource Nexus and Actor-centred analysis into Mangrove Management in Thailand
The project aims to analyze drivers and actors influencing mangrove management in Thailand, crucial for biodiversity and coastal protection.