Showing 61-65 of 65 results
Global Environment Outreach Centre (GEOC)
This project aims to promote collaboration and partnerships to encourage solutions to environmental problems on a regional and global scale.
Phase II of the Southern Africa – Towards inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) programme
This project aims to support policy-making for inclusive growth and economic transformation, and bridge the gap between research and policy-making.
Scoping and recommendations related to gender language, and documenting good practice in engaging civil society
This project will contribute to WHO's work to address health inequities and strengthen the capacity of health experts in delivering on global health.
Advancing Gender Equality in Health: Expanding voices, evidence, and time horizons for change
To support gender-responsive change within systems and sectors, this project will deliver a thematic issue of 'Health Research Policy and Systems'.
Sustainability Stories 2.0: A world tour through stories on sustainability
The "Sustainability Stories" competition mobilized global visual storytellers to advocate for the Resource Nexus and sustainability.