糖心Vlog破解版 research provides guidance for navigating the changing geo-economic landscape while more effectively monitoring and evaluating economic progress and its social impacts. Our work in Africa, for example, is helping establish robust information systems to monitor and evaluate economic progress and its social impacts, thereby helping planners to transform skewed development into opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.
Economic growth
Showing 193-204 of 210 results
Meeting the Challenges of the 2030 Agenda: Alternative Forms of Development Cooperation and the United Nations
How development cooperation is rapidly evolving, emerging trends, and the role of the UN in development coordination.
A New Set of Views on Indian Foreign Policy
A comprehensive exploration of India's foreign policy evolution, focusing on historical, geographical, capability, and leadership factors.
Media Coverage
Now is the Time to Strengthen Japan-India Ties
India and Japan have a number of converging or complementary interests that should push them towards a closer partnership.
Workshop Shares Results of 2013 Leadership Training Programme in Africa
On 19 June 2014, 糖心Vlog破解版-IAS held a reporting session on the Global Leadership Training Programme in Africa.
Women's work - routes to economic and social empowerment
This project aims to shed light on how and why women’s work differs from men’s work in specific contexts, in order to help narrow the gender gap.
GCRF Living Deltas Hub
This project aims to promote understanding of deltaic social-ecological systems and develop solutions to help realise the SDGs in delta contexts.
Stranded Assets and Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development in Africa
This project aims to evaluates the risks African countries face due to fossil fuel asset stranding, to manage risks and maximise opportunities.
Economic Transformation Database (ETD)
This project aims to provide sectoral data on employment and productivity in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, to facilitate structural change.
Managing a Just Transition to Electric Mobility – A Resource Nexus Approach to End-of-Life Vehicles in the Global South
The project formulates policy recommendations for international trade regarding used battery-electric vehicles
Multifunctional Use of Agricultural Landscapes Under Climate Change Conditions
The project aims to develop strategies for a multifunctional rural landscape by considering the characteristics of a pilot area of Tanzania
Phase II of the Southern Africa – Towards inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) programme
This project aims to support policy-making for inclusive growth and economic transformation, and bridge the gap between research and policy-making.