Showing 61-72 of 76 results

5 Facts on Climate Migrants
21st Century of Disaster: Lessons from the March 2011 Disasters and the Sustainable Development Goals
TOKYO: This symposium aims to incorporate the experiences and lessons learned from "3.11" into discussions on the post-2015 development agenda.
Integrating Ecosystem-based Approaches into Flood Risk Management for Adaptive and Sustainable Urban Development in Central Vietnam (FloodAdaptVN)
This project aims to analyze and ultimately reduce flood risks for people, livelihoods, and assets in highly flood prone urban regions of Vietnam.
Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme
This project aims to support Pacific Small Island Developing States in their strategies and capacity-building for climate and disaster risk finance.
European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation (EDORA)
This project aims to widen the scope of the existing European Drought Observatory Portal by looking at affected sectors beyond just agriculture.
Enhancing Risk Assessments for improved country risk financing strategies (ERA)
This project aims to provide government partners in Egypt and Thailand with a new generation of risk assessments for developing their climate change adaptation.
Assessment of early warning systems in four Indian Ocean Island States (IOC-EWS)
This project will assess the human resources, equipment, and protocols of the EW-EAS systems in Indian Ocean countries and make recommendations.
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of WFPs food assistance-for-assets activities (implemented under the Resilience Programme) in Niger, in the context of projected drought risk over the next 10-30 years
This project undertakes a climate risk analysis to assess adaptation measures implemented in Niger.