糖心Vlog破解版 research focuses on the challenges faced by the United Nations and its Member States. Our current research portfolio supports all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 to inspire global action to overcome the world’s biggest challenges.
Dynamic Capabilities for Digital Government Transformation: Leading Emerging Technologies in the Global South
The research project develops a framework of dynamic capabilities for public organisations to use emerging technologies for digital transformation.
Assessment of early warning systems in four Indian Ocean Island States (IOC-EWS)
This project will assess the human resources, equipment, and protocols of the EW-EAS systems in Indian Ocean countries and make recommendations.
Organizational decisions for adaptation to climate change (KlimaKonform II)
The project continues KlimaKonform Phase 1, developing a management module for organizations in low mountain areas to adapt to climate change.
Large-scale transformation towards biodiversity-friendly, climate resilient agriculture through risk finance solutions and enabling policy and trade frameworks (BioFinCas)
This project will support?transformation of conventional farming towards?biodiversity-friendly and climate-resilient practice.
DRM fact-finding mission in Mongolia and Cambodia with GIZ China
This project aims to provide technical knowledge on disaster risk management for Mongolia and Cambodia.
Assessing Financial Needs for Implementing UNCCD National Drought Plans and Drought-Related Processes
This project will assess the financial needs for drought processes and develop the case for preparation, mitigation and response to drought.
NewCityConcepts: A Model for Sustainable Urban Development
The project establishes a real-world lab for urban development in Hoyerswerda, aiming to be a model for structural transformation in the Lausitz region.
Contribution to the multi-actor partnership for pro-poor & gender-equitable climate risk financing in the context of the IGP's 2025 vision
This project looks to strengthen disaster management approaches in vulnderable developing countries through disaster risk finance and insurance.
Interim Dresden Nexus Conference 2023 (DNCi 2023): A reality check at the regional level – The Implications of the CBD-COP15 for Saxony
The CBD-COP 15 outcomes aim at biodiversity preservation, with EU regulations supporting nature restoration. DNCi 2023 discusses regional implications.
Nexus Approaches to battery waste management for sustainable e-mobility transition: insights from Germany (NABATE)
The NABATE project analyzes end-of-life EV batteries in Germany, assessing waste streams, regulations, and recycling solutions for Korean stakeholders.